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Thursday's Tip #4 – Building your personal brand – updating your biography.

  • 1.  Thursday's Tip #4 – Building your personal brand – updating your biography.

    Posted 17-12-2020 10:17 AM
    Edited by David Chin 19-01-2021 03:14 PM

    Dear Members,

    This topic may invoke various reactions from, I am already successful, and I do not need it, through to how timely, as I am going through a tough period.  Reflecting on my own experience and career, you may think that you do not need it however there will come a time in your career and or business where you will need to reflect and articulate on your unique combination of skills and experiences that make you who you are. It is how you present yourself to the world. Effective personal branding will differentiate you from the competition and allow you to build trust with prospective clients and employers.

    The interesting thing is, we all live busy lives and sometimes we leave the most important things about ourselves last and in the extreme circumstance, we never get around to completing them. I am constantly amazed at how people have great skills at  what they do, however some do not know how to market themselves. Being good at what you do is only half the equation, to be at the pinnacle of success you will also need to know your unique value proposition and how to communicate it. I encourage you to also have a look through the directory on Member Connect as we  have great examples of members that do this very well. I encourage them to share with the rest of us their tips.

    I am providing this as a Thursday's Tip this week as I can see many members asking me questions on this topic and taking the opportunity to review their profiles and are updating it across their social media platforms including our Directory at the Resolution's Institute's main website and Member Connect.

    The Member Connect portal provides a key format as to what potential employers and or customers look for. I would recommend a single source of truth where you build your personal branding statement as a summary of your biography and complete the key components on the Member Connect platform detailed below from your CV. Keep your CV as the single source of truth, ensuring it is up to date and then use it to populate all your other social media and directory content including Member Connect.

    Please find enclosed some free references from Right Management's website below on building your personal brand and creating a personal brand statement. I will also put a template for this on our library under the personal branding tag. #thursday'stips   #personalbranding

    Build your personal brand

    Create your personal branding statement

    Happy creating and reach out to me if you require anything else at

    David Chin
    Membership Manager
    Resolution Institute