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Thursday's Tip 3# Posting and answering discussion threads to create new ideas and to innovate.

  • 1.  Thursday's Tip 3# Posting and answering discussion threads to create new ideas and to innovate.

    Posted 10-12-2020 08:06 AM
    Edited by David Chin 17-12-2020 10:17 AM

    Dear Members,

    I hope to find all of you well. Would you believe it that Christmas is almost upon us. Please find enclosed our 3rd edition of Thursday's Tips and I hope that you will find it useful. Feel free to comment and provide your feedback and views on it as well. Happy discussions.

    Creating new ideas and innovation.

    This is a very important part of the community and your participation and input are critical to the relevance, sharing, innovation, diversity of thoughts and commentary on important topics.

    It is important to present your views in support and or also views that may be an alternate or an addition to the discussion. All views should always be presented in a respectful and constructive way especially if it is an alternate view.

    One of the things that I have learned over the years is that all views contain an element, or an aspect of the truth and true innovation and new ideas are generated when we build on each other's ideas to create new one's vs just holding on to our own.

    This may be counter intuitive at times however with focus and practice once developed from my personal experience I have seen new businesses created, existing businesses expand, personal and professional growth in individuals and their careers accelerate to new heights and or move in a new direction.

    "You put together two things that have not been put together before. And the world is changed. People may not notice it at the time, but that doesn't matter. The world is changed nonetheless."

    - Julian Barnes

    "If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."

    - George Bernard Shaw

    Please find enclosed below some practical tips on responding to and sending posts.

    Q: How do I respond to others' posts?

    A: To respond to a discussion post, please navigate to the discussion post and click "Reply" to send your message to the entire community.  To send a message to the only author of the post, please select "Reply Privately" (located in the "Reply" drop-down).  We recommend replying privately for simple comments like "me, too" that add little value to the overall discussion; and replying to the entire community when you are sharing knowledge, experience, or resources that others could benefit from.

    Q: How do I start a new discussion thread?

    A 1: On the site at the Home page, go to "Participate" > "Post a message." From an email for a particular discussion group, you can use the "Post Message" link located at the top of the discussion email. Each community also has a unique email address. Save that to your address book, and easily start a new post like you would a regular email.

    A 2: There is also a quick links navigation on the home page, set up on the right-hand side. You can click on the Post a message button.

    David Chin
    Membership Manager
    Resolution Institute