
John Cowen

JC Mediation

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JC Mediation
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John is a senior professional experienced in private and public sectors including law, banking and finance, interpersonal dynamics, leading teams and having been involved for over 20 years in successfully mediating disputes across these areas. He has appreciation of cultural differences and similarities within, among, and between groups.

John offers over 35 years experience in corporate life, banking, building & construction, finance and investment management, retail leasing, Crown Leaseholds, partnerships, succession law, estates and trusts, elder law and associated issues,  human resources, mentorship, leading teams - large and small, business acquisitions, franchising, commercial and corporate negotiation.

John has provided mediation services, coaching and mentoring  across a broad spectrum of legal and commercial/corporate fields and counselled numerous staff in fields of banking, finance, investment, law, superannuation, management consulting and Government (public sector) both State and Federal.

John offers mediation, coaching, mentoring and dispute resolution services across all these fields.

Experience and qualifications

John offers over 35 years experience in corporate life, banking, finance and investment management, partnerships, retail Leasing, Crown leaseholds,  succession law, estates and trusts, elder law and associated issues,  human resources, mentorship, leading teams - large and small, business acquisitions, franchising, commercial and corporate negotiation, 

John has provided mediation services, coaching and mentoring  across a broad spectrum of legal and commercial/corporate fields and counselled numerous staff in fields of banking, building & construction, finance, investment, law, superannuation, management consulting and Government (Public sector) both State and Federal.